Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Don't buy into it

Young mothers are mistakenly led to believe that formula does very well as a replacement for breastmilk. It emphatically does not!

NOTHING can duplicate the properties of breastmilk, no matter how many vitamins, minerals and supplements are added to what is basically a chemical formulation.

Breastmilk remains the one and only natural, complete and complex nutrition for human infants. It is nature's formula f
or ensuring the health and quality of life for infants, as well as on through childhood to adult life. Just as importantly, breastfeeding promotes a very special bond between mother and child that only a mother can provide.

Take a moment to read this article

Breast-Feed or Else
Warning: Public health officials have determined that not breast-feeding may be hazardous to your baby's health.

1 comment:

  1. Cute background!
    I totally agree with how important breastfeeding is! Formula just doesn't compare.
