Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dads Support Pumping

This clip is about 3:23 long but well worth it!
There's something about experience that really encourages empathy.
Remember that pumping may not be easy, and even downright frustration at times, but it's worth it for your baby's health. It's still much more economical than formula and allows you to continue to meet the exclusive breastfeeding guidelines of 6 months even if you have to go back to work.
The most common reason to pump is to collect your milk so your baby can have it when you're not around, and to maintain your milk supply for when you're together. This is essential if you're going back to work but want to continue nursing.

Pumping also means you don't have to be on call for every feeding when you're at home. Your partner (or another helper) can feed your baby your milk from a bottle, allowing you to get more uninterrupted sleep or take a break from baby care. (Letting Dad take over some of the feedings also helps him bond with your baby!)

To see more videos and tips for Dad visit dadlabs.com

Get pumped up for this one. At the Dad Labs they believe Dads should do everything in their power to understand what she, the breastfeeding mom, is going through.
About this video, they say, "We put our beliefs to the Breast Pump 101 test. Wonder what it must feel like to get hooked up to a breast pump? Maybe you should. Daddy Clay and Daddy Brad perform a controlled experiment to increase their understanding of this ordeal. Gain insight into what breastfeeding working moms go through every day!"

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